SDSU Daktronics Engineering Hall
PHASE 1: Daktronics Engineering Hall is a classroom and research facility at South Dakota State University. It is a four story building with the fourth floor left unfinished for future development. The facility has general classrooms, faculty offices, student study and interaction spaces, conference spaces and a wing designed to accommodate a Clean Lab space. The building was designed to be doubled in size in the future and a new addition can sit directly across the parking lot to the West of the current facility.
PHASE 2: Phase II of Daktronics Engineering Hall mirrored Phase I about the West side of the entry. The addition consists of four levels and is the new home of the SDSU Physics Department. In addition to faculty and graduate assistant offices, the facility includes instructional and research labs for organic electronics, optics, general and advanced physics and energy studies. The roof and parapet system was designed to support photovoltaic array research. The building was designed to LEED™ Silver Standards.
Cleanroom: Architecture Incorporated recently completed the construction documents for Phase II of the Daktronics Engineering Hall Cleanroom project in the lower level of the East wing. The project provides utility connections for research equipment, cleanroom wall panels, ceiling system and fan filter units to the East and West of the Phase I project. When completed, the project will provide the ability to support cleanroom research environments ranging from Level 100 to Level 10,000.

Project Details:
Addition / Remodel, LEED Silver
73,500 s.f.
Brookings, South Dakota [View Map]
Completion Date: