Architecture Incorporated assisted Dow Rummel Village in developing a campus-use concept plan that addressed renovation of their existing facilities and new development for the village. The concept for the renovation and new development of Dow Rummel Village completely reinvents the existing campus. A new drive from West Avenue brings residents and visitors to a new village center that provides centrally located services to the entire campus. A wellness area with lap pool, clinic, deli, and great room dinning are provided, as well as a new administrative area that is more accessible to the residents. The Village center provides a new front door image for the facility, and serves as the anchor for Main Street, a common space that extends from the north end of the campus to the existing chapel on the south. Along Main Street, shops provide additional services and activity, and connections to the outdoors are abundant with five courtyards distributed along its path.

"Architecture Incorporated worked side by side with us to bring their design to life. Their heavy involvement was a key factor in helping us stay on budget and on schedule."

Darla Van Rosendale, CEO, Dow Rummel Village


Sioux Falls, South Dakota [View Map]